About us

Our vision & mission

What we do:

Western Space is a hub of interdisciplinary activity and innovation dedicated to addressing some of the world’s greatest challenges.

We foster an inclusive environment where collaborative approaches to important challenges can thrive. The institute provides leadership and programs to advance interdisciplinary research at Western and beyond and develop capacity in the space domain.

Why it matters:

Space research profoundly impacts humanity by advancing our scientific understanding of the cosmos and addressing critical Earthly challenges.

Satellite data helps forecast natural disasters and manage humanitarian crises like hunger. Medical research on the International Space Station leads to life-saving health advancements. Space exploration enables us to protect our planet from existential threats, like asteroid impacts, and inspires future generations to pursue science and engineering, or other fields that benefit humanity.

Beyond practical benefits, the beauty and mystery of the cosmos create a sense of wonder and drive us to seek discoveries that may redefine our understanding of ourselves and our place in the universe.

What we are working towards:

Our vision is to launch Western into space and bring space down to Earth for the benefit of all.

To achieve this goal, we strive to establish Western as an international leader in interdisciplinary research, and a centre for training and outreach for 21st century explorers. We aim to strengthen and grow Canadian Earth and space exploration communities through promoting and supporting problem- and team-based interdisciplinary research and by inspiring and training the next generation of scientists, engineers, social scientists and entrepreneurs.

Our core research domains

Advancing space technology

From launching small satellites developed by student teams to building meteor camera systems or designing an x-ray diffractometer prototype to analyze minerals in Martian rocks: Western Space is a well-established leader in advancing space technology.

Space technology is undeniably at the centre of humankind’s exploration of Earth and outer space and will bring us closer to answering the most profound questions of our existence.

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Earth observation for societal impact

Earth Observation (EO) involves gathering information about the Earth’s surface, waters and atmosphere via ground-based, airborne or remote-sensing technologies, such as satellites. This type of monitoring is crucial in protecting our environment and life on Earth and has profound societal impacts. It helps us collect objective information that we can use to predict changes, identify problems and make decisions.

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Planetary science & astronomy

How did our solar system form and how is it evolving? Are there other habitable planets out there? Is there life beyond Earth?

These are just a few of the existential questions scientists are trying to answer. While the universe still holds many mysteries, astronomy and planetary science have pushed our understanding of our planet, solar systems, galaxies and stars.

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Space & remote health advances

The life of an astronaut is thrilling and adventurous, but it can also be isolating and lonely, as many astronauts have reported. This raises an important question: how do we keep our astronauts healthy, both physically and mentally, while on a mission?

Technological innovation is part of the solution. From handheld ultrasound devices to holographic transportation that allows people to meet anywhere – even in outer space: long-distance health care solutions have come a long way. However, equally important is the role of compassionate care: designing remote health care solutions that put patients’ needs and human interaction at the centre.

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Explore Western Space

Our community of faculty, trainees and partners engages in meaningful MSK research in an inclusive and welcoming environment where interdisciplinary research collaborations can thrive. Learn more about our members, partner and training opportunities or research at the BJI. 

Our research

BJI's research goals, priorities and impact.

Meet our members

A directory of all of our BJI members.

Partner with us

Our current and past partners, and how to partner with us.

Student training

BJI-supported training opportunities.

BJI leaders

Our leadership team and governance at the BJI.