Pauline Barmby

Distinguished Professor

Pauline Barmby

Distinguished Professor

Pauline Barmby is an observational astrophysicist, studying stars and star formation in nearby galaxies. With her team she develops new tools and techniques to combine data from ground-and space based telescopes to understand how stars, gas, dust, dark matter, and black holes in galaxies fit together. Before joining Western in 2007, she was a staff scientist at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, on the team responsible for the Spitzer Space Telescope’s IRAC camera. Barmby was the co-chair of the panel that developed the Canadian Astronomical Society’s 2020 Long Range Plan.
Research Domains:
Planetary Science & Astronomy , Earth Observation for Societal Impact
Physics & Astronomy
Member Type:
Western Space Investigator (Faculty Member)
Research Interests:
Galactic and Stellar Processes,Big Data and analytics